Halloween Frankenstein with Trick or Treat Sign Greeter Blank Ready to be Painted By You--when assembled this design is about 4ft tall.
Frankenstein is 28T X 20W. Trick or Treat sign is 8T X 16W. Base board is 12T X 22W. Vertical Pole to hold the trick or treat sign is 20.5T X 2.W.
This includes the blanks, the lights, and brackets. You will need to furnish your own bow and screws.
#4261 Paint Colors:
#2 light blue-3oz
#5 brilliant blue-3oz
#6 navy blue-1oz
#10 Lime green-3oz
#12 dark green-1oz
#13 light yellow-3oz
#14 shading yellow-1oz
#20 red-3oz
#23 shading red-1oz
#24 gray-3oz
#25 light pink-3oz
#26 shading pink-1oz
#27 light purple-3oz
#28 shading purple-1oz
I mixed equal parts #20 red and #28 shading purple for the mauve colored jacket.